About Child Health & Wellness Journal

As a parent, seeing your child struggle is a gut-wrenching feeling. Furthermore, not being able to remember something that could hold an important detail regarding your child’s health can be extremely frustrating, especially when they are struggling. Maybe a symptom appeared a few months ago that you didn’t keep track of, or you notice a slight change in their sleep or eating patterns because of a new medication. Maybe they started struggling in school. You intend to write it down but the weeks fly by and we easily lose track of time. Being able to glance back to a week or month could provide important data when having a child that may have a medical, emotional or behavioral challenge. This is exactly why the Child Health and Wellness Journal was created. Every child has their own special and unique journey. This journal was created to help you organize and capture the details of daily and weekly information to share with the health care professionals involved in your child’s life. Having been in those same situations we understand you —  and we hope you find this journal a helpful tool in your child’s journey. 

- Love and Health
